I could hear the ground crunch beneath my feet like crusted snow or glass or something
  A single gesture that can loop infinitely. A person lies supine on a bed straddled by another person who repeatedly and slowly beats him over the head with a microphone. The amplifier is hidden behind the pillow so that the blow of the microphone c
I could hear the ground crunch beneath my feet like crusted snow or glass or something
I could hear the ground crunch beneath my feet like crusted snow or glass or something

The Watermill Center, 2011

performed by Jake Schlichting and Carlos Soto
duration 2.5 hours

  A single gesture that can loop infinitely. A person lies supine on a bed straddled by another person who repeatedly and slowly beats him over the head with a microphone. The amplifier is hidden behind the pillow so that the blow of the microphone c

A single gesture that can loop infinitely. A person lies supine on a bed straddled by another person who repeatedly and slowly beats him over the head with a microphone. The amplifier is hidden behind the pillow so that the blow of the microphone creates a deafening bang followed by a sustained feedback. Periodically, Bach’s Variation 25 from Glenn Gould’s 1955 recording of The Well-Tempered Clavier plays softly.